英 [selɪ'breɪʃ(ə)n]美[,sɛlɪ'breʃən]
- n. 庆典,庆祝会;庆祝;颂扬
- The service was a celebration of his life (= praised what he had done in his life) .
- 举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。
- birthday/wedding celebrations
- 生日庆祝;结婚庆典
- Her triumph was a cause for celebration .
- 她的胜利是庆祝的理由。
- a party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary
- 庆祝他们金婚纪念的聚会
- He sees the poem as a celebration of human love.
- 他认为,这首诗是对人世间爱的赞美。
- I can tell you, there was a celebration in our house that night.
- 告诉你,那天晚上我家开了个庆祝会。
- ...his eightieth birthday celebrations.
- 他80大寿的庆祝活动
- This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life...
- 这不是在开追悼会,而是在颂扬他的一生。
- Carnival is a traditional time of celebration before the Christian season of Lent.
- 嘉年华会是一个在四旬斋的基督教季节前的传统的庆祝节日.
- It's a celebration of shoddiness, which seems to be one of the features of our system.
- 这场盛会宣扬了我们的虚有其表, 而这似乎是印度体制的特色之一.
- This calls for a celebration.
- 这需要庆祝一番.
- Sing up , fellows, this is supposed to be a celebration, not a funeral!
- 伙计们,大声唱, 这是开庆祝会, 不是送葬!
- The streets were illuminated for the celebration.
- 街上张灯结彩准备庆祝.
- That couple always holds a little celebration every year on their wedding anniversary.
- 他们夫妇每年到他们结婚的日子都要稍微庆祝一下.
- In the event ( that ) our team wins, there will be a celebration.
- 如果我队获胜, 我们将庆祝一番.
- The celebration passed off successfully.
- 庆祝活动圆满结束.
- The celebration cost hundreds of pounds, and I wonder who's going to foot the bill.
- 庆祝会花费了数百英镑, 我想知道谁来负担这笔费用.
- The house was lit up as though a big celebration was going on.
- 整个屋子灯火辉煌,犹如在举行盛大庆典.
- Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.
- 一些高级官员参加了庆祝大会.
- I lived at 29 Celebration Street, Nairobi, for many years.
- 我在内罗毕典礼街29号住了许多年.
- The celebration meeting was held with great enthusiasm.
- 庆祝大会开得真热火!
- The celebration of Christmas is a custom.
- 庆祝圣诞节是一种习俗.
- There was a continuous stream of people going to the celebration.
- 一路上尽是去参加庆祝活动的人群.
- They held a celebration rally.
- 他们举行了一次庆祝大会.
- Her triumph was a cause for celebration .
- 她的胜利是庆祝的理由。
- You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.
- 热诚邀请您参加为迈克尔∙布朗先生退休举行的庆祝会。
- He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening.
- 他问金尼是否同意在洗礼之后小小地庆祝一下。
- A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.
- 婚礼就是快乐的爱情庆典。